Memory: Thing Remembered and Forgotten

Recently, I have played a subject to a psychology experiment.
I think many of you will agree with me that it is a mysterious branch of science (from conscious to hypnotism). And today it's about one of the miracles of our brain "Memory: Thing remembered and forgotten".

So, here are some interesting fact related to the memory.
  • Memory can basically be divided into short term and long term memories (some what similar to the memory of a computer). Short term memory holds information for only 20-30 second, then whoosh! So, you just need to move information from short term to long term.

  • Researchers suggest that a human mind can hold from 5 to 9 discrete thoughts at a time after that your storage system (brain) become overloaded.

  • You know study says, things learned in an environment are easier to remember in the similar environment. (I always knew that I'll do much better if allowed to write exam in my bedroom).

  • A study suggests that memory start developing after 20 weeks in the womb, but the reason you don't have the recollection of any of them till you were 5-6 years old is that we didn't have a language to communicate at that point, so it is hard to encode those memories.

Have you heard of a super-memory? Here a list of people indeed having a skill that they have developed through hard work and practice.
  •  Alexander the Great was able to remember names of all the soldiers of his army (approx 30,000)
  •  Mozart was able to play and write notes of songs that he had heard but once
  •  Winston Churchill knew all of Shakespear's work by heart.
  •  Bill Gates can remember hundreds of different codes of programming languages that he had designed.

  • Now, speaking of super memory, I must also tell you about the false memory. Yes, our brain can also construct a memory of things that never happened. There are evidences suggesting eyewitnesses in legal proceedings are not really as accurate as believed, there are factors that can distort memories and lead to describe event inaccurately or even report seeing an event that never took place.

Children also sometimes tend to develop occurrence of event never actually happened and can even describe it in great detail. (There is an interesting lecture on memory by Elizabeth Loftus).

So, these were some interesting theories and researches on "Memory- one of the elements of our mysterious tool brain."
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Here is also a fun test for you at these words for 2 minutes and see how many of them can you remember in a go.


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